Organizing Your Editing Job Hunt With Technology-Part II: JibberJobber & is a good way to stay organized when you are looking for your editorial or editing job., like Todoist, is another great way to stay on task when you are on the job hunt. The creator of the site, Jason Alba, points out that when he was on the job hunt, he would often list his contacts and the names of companies in an excel worksheet. Although creating excel spreadsheets can be an effective way to stay organized, he wanted a site where all of his business contacts and companies were listed in one place. Hence, JibberJobber was born.

Check it out–it’s a great way to keep tabs on what companies you have contacted for employment and which ones you still need to go after. Leading into the next technological resource that I’m going to share:

ZoomInfo helps you to find those Editing/Editorial contacts that you need. is a great way to look up an editor or editorial assistant’s name and then get access to their email and sometimes (but very rarely) their phone number.’s database is immense, and you should definitely add your name if you can’t be found on there.

Remember: Unless you want to pay money, you only have limited contacts–I believe 15, so make sure to use them wisely.

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